Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How to Prevent and Treat Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are those marks made on the body after the skin has been stretched before returning to normal again; unfortunately the marks are always permanent. The cause of skin stretching may also be as a result of pregnancy when the skin of the stomach is stretched and the skin of the breast also becomes stretched due to the enlargement of the breast during pregnancy. Stretch mark may also occur when a fat person becomes thinner due to illness or loss in weight.

Stretch marks can be prevented in the following manner:

1. Take a lot of Zinc (30 to 50mg) and minerals (6 tablets) each day.
2. Mix one quarter cup of pure Aloe Vera gelatin with half cup of olive oil, then mix in 10 capsules of Vitamins E and A (breaks the capsules and empties the contents into the mixture). Mix all this in a small bowl and apply it every day after bathing. Keep the mixture in a cool place.

Another major skin problem is Psoriasis. This a disease of the skin which causes the skin cells to reproduce themselves every other day instead of every 21 days, and this produces excessive peelings. It is not contagious, the major symptoms of this skin problem is redness of certain areas of the body, with pearl color scales which are constantly peeling off. Irritation and in some cases bleeding is also a symptom associated with Psoriasis.

The cause is really unknown; however, it is known that there is a great psychosomatic influence, because the problem increases with nervousness and stress. The lack of polyunsaturated fats like omega-3 in the body is also related to this disease. Vitamin A or Beta-Carotene helps prevent Psoriasis, while the consumption of too much alcohol can increase it.

For those with dark blemishes on the face or red marks, they should eat foods rich in B-Complex Vitamins, Which are present in vegetables with green leaves such as lettuce; they are also found in Brewer yeast, orange juice, broccoli, potatoes, wheat bran and royal jelly.

For those with dry skin, they should rub moisturizing Aloe Vera cream on the face and body and also drink a lot of water (8 to 10 glasses per day) with some Aloe Vera juice (this moisturizes the skin).

Hormonal imbalance may also cause a series of alterations in the skin; they either make it greasier or dryer or provoke spots or other changes in the skin. A complete detoxification of the body is recommended to eliminate the toxins in the body.

Application of Aloe Vera gelatin and avoidance of stress is also highly recommended for a beautiful, healthy skin.

An effective product will can be used for both prevention and treatment of stretch marks can be found at revitol stretch mark prevention.

How to Lose Weight Naturally

The issue of obesity and its effect on both health and beauty of the affected
Persons cannot be over-emphasized.

Obesity is sometimes inherited but it can also be as a result of erroneous conduct of eating and lifestyle.

One of the most effective ways to lose weight without causing an imbalance to the daily body nutrition is through nutritiously balanced meal substitute. One or two meal per day should be substituted with a balanced nutritional shake which should contain the necessary elements for complete nutrition, which must be low in calories but contain enough vegetable fiber, vitamins, minerals, chromium, vegetable proteins, plenty of carbohydrates, amino acids and enzymes.

Another way to lose weight without the commonly associated negative side effects is to add some fat burning supplements to ones diet.{place where such supplements can be found , will be found at the end of the article}.

Another effective means of shedding weight naturally is to be engaged in daily exercise, at least thirty minutes per day. Outdoor exercise especially that in which the muscles are used is recommended. The exercise will not only burn fat and calories but also help one to perspire and it also promotes circulation and movements in all of the articulations.

Drinking of clean, pure water is also recommended; at least 8 to 10 glasses should be taken per day.

In conclusion, the consumption of fats, especially those of animal origin, as well as carbohydrates, sugar and flour should be decreased. While the consumption of vegetables, fruits and grains should be increased.

Fat burning supplements as well as other products which are 100% safe effective and without negative side effects which can be used to control excess suppresses appetite as well as enhance beauty and general well-being can be found at:
Caralluma burn
Acai berry
Lipo-6 fat burner

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to Prevent Skin Wrinkles

Wrinkles are folds and deformations of the skin that occur as a person age and are sometimes a cruel testimony to our age. As a person gets older the skin begin losing its elasticity and flexibility which in turn cause the appearance of lines or fine marks that later become wrinkles.

The principal causes of wrinkles include:
1. Lack of moisture (dehydration).
2. Formation of free radicals that oxidize the tissues due to sun rays (UV rays) which are strongest between 11:00am and 3:00pm.
3. Smog and a dry, damaging environment.
4. Too much facial expressions.
5. Rough surface of pillowcase may also cause wrinkles.
6. Lack of vitamins A, B, C, E as well as minerals.
7. Old age: As we get older, the sweat and sebaceous glands that has been providing moisture and oil for the skin begin to wear out and stop working little by little which in turn will cause skin to lose its elasticity and its moisture. This will lead to dryness and cracking of the skin. The skin also begins to lose collagen which is needed to keep the skin on the face and body in good shape. Lack of collagen causes sagging tissues, double chins, lines on the neck, around the mouth and around the mouth and around the eyes, etc.
Free radicals are most times responsible for the destruction of collagen and other tissues in the body.

In order to prevent or eliminate wrinkles, the following points should be taken into consideration.
1. Avoid excessive sun tanning is one of the most important ways to avoid wrinkles.
2. Cover the face with sunscreen protection.
3. Wear sunglasses with large lenses to block sun rays on the skin around the eyes so as to prevent crow’s fat.
4. Drink a lot of water to rehydrate the skin.
5. Take multivitamin and minerals, vitamins such as A, B, C, & E. beta-carotene (provitamin A) and vitamins C and E are excellent at blocking free radicals.
6. Use a pillow with soft fabric or learn how to sleep with your face upright.
7. Try to make fewer facial gestures.
8. Massage the wrinkles with the palm of your hand softly for about 2 minutes on each part of the face to stimulate circulation.
9. Use the right form of moisturizing and exfoliation cream.

Multivitamins and vitamins as well as the best type of moisturizing and exfoliation cream which are 100% effective and free from any side effects that can be use to treat or prevent wrinkles are available at healthbuy

How to Maintain and Retain Your Beauty

The desire to be beautiful is a universal one especially where women are concerned, it is often said that beauty is the greatest asset any woman can posses, riches without beauty is incomplete, also beauty is one of the first thing you notice in a woman even at the very first glance. Also a woman can not be said to be healthy if she is not beautiful since health and beauty goes hand in hand.

In order to be beautiful and admirable therefore there are some vital parts of the body that should be taken care of properly and meticulously. Those parts of the body include:

1. The Skin: The first thing a man notice in a woman is the skin, the skin should be soft, smooth and free of freckles and spots, for a skin to be beautiful dry, scaly and peeling skin should be avoided at all cost. Foods and supplements that is rich in Vitamin C will help to improve the beauty of the skin and keep it youthful looking, exercise and the act of drinking a lot of clean pure natural water will also goes along way in solving most of the problems associated with the skin. The use of good body creams that can cleanse and exfoliate the skin will also be useful.
2. The Hair: A woman Hair is supposed to be long, soft and feminine looking in order for it to be able to bring out the beauty in such a woman, it is often said that a woman’s hair is her crown of her beauty. Therefore care should be taken to ensure that the hair is kept beautiful and sexy, hair falling should be treated in time to avoid hair loss.
3. The lips: A woman with a succulent and kissable lips will no doubt arose the interest of admirers, care should therefore be taken to ensure that the lips are kept soft, moist and inviting at all times.
4. The teeth: A woman’s teeth should be white, clean and heart-melting when she smiles, nothing repulse a man more than bad teeth. The teeth should be able to break barriers by been sparkling white and inviting.
5. The fingers and nails: The fingers and nails should be kept clean, neat, tidy and sexy.
6. The dresses: Dress in a neat, sexy and feminine clothes, as it is often said that you are what you wear. Take good care of the way you dress for your dress says a lot about who you are and they are a reflection of your personalities.

To solve all your beauty needs and find products that can help you to maintain and retain your beauty as well as solve other female related problems simply log on to the women world at http://www.healthbuy.com

How to Prevent Tooth Decay (Cavities) and Periodontal Abscess

Tooth decay which is a cavity or hole that forms in the teeth and which continue to grow until it totally destroys the teeth or the gum are most times arises as a result of lack of proper dental hygiene.

Also periodontal abscess is an infection similar in nature with cavities; it penetrates the gum and tooth and destroys teeth. The abscess grows and causes swelling of the gum or muscular tissues which will in turn, cause inflammation and severe pain. In some severe causes, it may be necessary to surgically operate to drain the pus.

The major causes of cavities or periodontal abscess are mainly the consequence of a lack of dental hygiene and the consumption of refined sugars which favour the formation of bacteria and acids. They may also be as a result of inadequate diet.

The suggested treatment and preventive measures include:
1. Drink a little lukewarm water and rinse your mouth vigorously, repeat this often to eliminate any food residue which could be between teeth or in the tooth’s cavity. If doing this does not remove the material which is causing pain, try using a soft tooth brush to r4emove it.
2. Rinse your mouth several times with a small amount of aloe Vera extract. This will reduce inflammation, eliminate bleeding and reduce pain. You can also apply a little bit of tincture of iodine which will reduce the inflammation and pain.
3. In case of severe pain, obtain clove oil (aromatic spice) and put one drop in the cavity periodically; if possible cover it with cotton.
4. Rub some ice on the gum for a few minutes where the bleeding or pain is located.

All these recommendations are meant for curing or providing relief from tooth pain, brushing of teeth after each meal with the right tooth paste will not only keep your teeth clean and white but will also give you clean, nice smelling breath and prevent any form of tooth related-problems. One of the best toothpaste that can do this will be found at
Teethwhiten &

How to Be Free From Menstrual Pain and Cramps

Menstruation and premenstrual syndrome are phenomena in which women experience vaginal bleeding during regular periods of about 28 days internal.

During the period prior to menstruation women mostly have series of alterations in their organic and physiology which produce strong changes in their temperament.

The most frequent symptoms include:
1. Depression.
2. Sharp pain in the abdomen (cramps).
3. Headaches.
4. Muscular pain/ cramps.
5. Acne.
6. Water retention.
7. Insomnia.
8. Abdominal swellings.
9. Nervousness.
10. Fatigue.
11. Pain in the joints.
12. Negative changes in personality (easily irritated, depression etc.)
The major cause of these symptoms is the hormonal imbalance which occurs due to the excessive level of estrogen in comparison to the progesterone level in addition to a decrease in of blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

Also during menstruation the body produces some hormones called prostaglandins which stimulate the uterus muscles to contract and expel menstrual waste. This is what causes the cramps.

Most of the problems associated with menstruation can be eliminates or reduces by taking multi-vitamins and minerals, especially those that contains calcium and magnesium, adequate diet and daily exercise.

Also you should drink plenty of water with aloe Vera juice before and after menstruation. This will help reduce inflammation and it will avoid the pains.

The following foods should also be reduced in the diet: salt causes water retention), alcohol, coffee, cigarette, red meats such as pork and beef, and canned foods.

Multivitamins and minerals which can be use to correct any abnormality about menstrual circles as well as maintain general well-being are available at healthbuy

How to be free from menopause related problems

A woman is said to be in a period of menopause when she is in the period when menstrual periods ended. This normally occurs at the age of 45 to 52 though it may sometimes occur earlier or later than this period. The cause of menopause is the decrease in the hormone production by the ovaries (Estrogen and progesterone).

A lot of symptoms are associated with menopaus4e, some of which includes:
1. Irregular menstruations, sometimes with a lot of bleedings and none at some other time, this will occur each time with lesser frequency.
2. Vaginal dryness.
3. Changes in personality.
4. Hot flashes and sweating during the night.
5. Insomnia.
6. Virginities and urinary tract infections.
7. Cardiac problems.

The causes of irregular and abundant bleeding in women in the menopause stage are due to the absence of ovulation, which causes an imbalance in the hormonal production of estrogen and progesterone. It is either excessive estrogen is produced or not enough progesterone is produced.

Also the emotional aspect of excessive bleeding during menopause, or even of growing old, plays a key role in either the decrease or increase of the menstrual flow. Irregular bleeding may also be caused by excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Fibromas or a cyst in the uterus is another factor which may leads to irregular bleeding.

Menopause and its associated symptoms may be dealt with by being careful about the way you live your life, also the way you live your life, also the foods and nutrients you consume also goes a long way in having effects on your health, for instances hot flashes can be diminished by eliminating coffee, cola beverages and alcohol from your diet, a quite life free from stress will also be very helpful. Osteoporosis is another problem present in post-menopausal women, intake of 800 to 1500mg of calcium is therefore recommended-daily products such as milk, and cheese and yogurt have high calcium content.

Protein intake should be reduced while grain and vegetables consumption should be increased. This will also diminish the risk of having osteoporosis. The consumption of farm-fresh products such as wheat germ, alfalfa etc. is also very important.

Product which is tested and proven by many women to be very effective against menopause and its associated ailments can be found at menozac

Hair Loss Prevention and Treatment

Hair loss, which is mainly characteristic which hair fall out is a situation where hair started becoming thinner as a result of falling out particularly after being washed.
The problem occurs more frequently with middle-aged and older women or men.

The frequent causative agents of hair loss are: accumulation of oil or seborrhea on the scalp and the blocking of pores where the hair follicles are located. The problem may be aggravated by not taken proper care of the hair.

Unbalance diets especially lack of adequate vitamins and proteins which are needed for hair growth can also cause hair loss. Also those who are undergoing excessive stress or those who suffers from anorexia nervosa may also be more prone to the problem. Some strong chemicals used in dying hair can also cause it.

However the problem can be treated or prevented through these means:
1. Wash hair daily with aloe Vera and Jojoba based shampoo, massage it into the scalp, this will helps to open the pores and eliminates seborrhea and dandruff.
2. Let hot or lukewarm water run directly onto the scalp for a few minutes. This will help open the pores.
3. Massage the scalp applying pressure with the fingertips to move and stimulate the skin. This will helps to move the oil under the skin and opens the pores.
4. Take multivitamins and multi-minerals.
In additions these nutrients will help your hair to grow well
1. Calcium pantothenate, antithetic Acid or vitamin B-5, these elements help the hair follicles to assimilate copper for proper hair growth.
2. Copper lack of copper produces brittle, dry and unmanageable hair.
3. Inositol and chlorine: these help in hair growth.
4. Vitamin B-12.
5. PABA- para-aminobenzoic acids, helps to maintain the color and softness of hair.
6. Iodine, iron& manganese, Niacin and zinc: these are necessary for hair growth and they also prevent hair loss.

Product which can be use to prevent Hair Loss can be found at provillus